KolibriOS kernel
data32sp.inc File Reference


label boot_initirq
label boot_picinit
label boot_v86machine
label boot_inittimer
cp850 boot_initramdisk
label boot_initapic
label boot_enableirq
label boot_disabling_ide
label boot_enabling_ide
label boot_set_int_IDE
label boot_detectfloppy
label boot_detecthdcd
label boot_getcache
label boot_detectpart
label boot_init_sys
label boot_loadlibs
label boot_memdetect
label boot_tss
label boot_cpuid
label boot_setmouse
 boot_devices: cp850 'Detectando dispositivos',0 More...
label boot_windefs
label boot_bgr
label boot_resirqports
label boot_setostask
label boot_allirqs
label boot_tsc
label boot_cpufreq
label boot_pal_ega
label boot_pal_vga
label boot_failed
label boot_mtrr
label boot_APIC_found
label boot_APIC_nfound
label boot_tasking
label ud_user_message
cp850 mtrr_user_message

Variable Documentation

◆ boot_allirqs

label boot_allirqs

◆ boot_APIC_found

label boot_APIC_found

◆ boot_APIC_nfound

label boot_APIC_nfound

◆ boot_bgr

label boot_bgr

◆ boot_cpufreq

label boot_cpufreq

◆ boot_cpuid

label boot_cpuid

◆ boot_detectfloppy

label boot_detectfloppy

◆ boot_detecthdcd

label boot_detecthdcd

◆ boot_detectpart

label boot_detectpart

◆ boot_disabling_ide

label boot_disabling_ide

◆ boot_enableirq

label boot_enableirq

◆ boot_enabling_ide

label boot_enabling_ide

◆ boot_failed

label boot_failed

◆ boot_getcache

label boot_getcache

◆ boot_init_sys

label boot_init_sys

◆ boot_initapic

label boot_initapic

◆ boot_initirq

label boot_initirq

◆ boot_initramdisk

cp850 boot_initramdisk
Initial value
'Initialize ramdisk',0

◆ boot_inittimer

label boot_inittimer

◆ boot_loadlibs

label boot_loadlibs

◆ boot_memdetect

label boot_memdetect

◆ boot_mtrr

label boot_mtrr

◆ boot_pal_ega

label boot_pal_ega

◆ boot_pal_vga

label boot_pal_vga

◆ boot_picinit

label boot_picinit

◆ boot_resirqports

label boot_resirqports

◆ boot_set_int_IDE

label boot_set_int_IDE

◆ boot_setmouse

label boot_setmouse

boot_devices: cp850 'Detectando dispositivos',0


◆ boot_setostask

label boot_setostask

◆ boot_tasking

label boot_tasking

◆ boot_tsc

label boot_tsc

◆ boot_tss

label boot_tss

◆ boot_v86machine

label boot_v86machine

◆ boot_windefs

label boot_windefs

◆ mtrr_user_message

cp850 mtrr_user_message
Initial value
'"There is a problem with MTRR configuration.\nPerformance can be low" -dW',0

◆ ud_user_message

label ud_user_message